| |
Ινστιτούτα/Εργαστήρια |
 | Andalusian
Group for the Study of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease
 | Center
For Intestinal Dysfunction, CPMCnet
 | Center
For Study of Diseases Due To H.pylori, Universityof Virginia
 | Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention
 | Digestive
Disease Center, Medical University of South Carolina
 | Digestive
Disease Center, PharmInfoNet
 | Digestive
Disease Center, University of California, Los Angeles
 | Functional
Gastrointestinal Disorders Center, University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill
 | Gastrointestinal
Diseases Research Unit, Queen's University, Kingston
 | GI
Motility Education Centre, Queen's University
 | GI
Research Group, University of Calgary
 | GI
Science Research Unit, St. Bartholomew's and the Royal London
School of Medicine & Dentistry
 | Gruppo
Italiano Per Lo Studio MotiIlit? Apparato Digerente
 | Helicobacter
pylori Research Laboratory
 | Inflammatory
Bowel Disease Clinical Research Center
 | Jefferson
Digestive Disease Institute, Thomas Jefferson University
 | National
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease, U.S.
- Patient
Information Documents on Digestive Diseases
- Patient
Information Documents on Nutrition and Obesity
 | National
Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S.
 | Pancreas
Cancer Web, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Τμήματα/Τομείς |
 | Department
of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Free University of Brussels
 | Department
of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Vienna, Austria
 | Department
of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Dudley Group of Hospitals
 | Division
of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, University of North Carolina
 | Division
of Digestive Diseases, University of Cincinnati
 | Division
of Digestive Diseases, University of North Carolina
 | Division
of Gastroenterology , University of Rostock
 | Division
of Gastroenterology, Columbia University
 | Division
of Gastroenterology, University of California San Francisco
 | Division
of Gastroenterology, University Of Florida
 | Division
of Gastroenterology, University of Texas, Houston
 | Division
of Gastroenterology, Vanderbilt University
 | Division
of Gastrointestinal Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
 | Division
of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, St. Louis Children's
 | Gastroenterology
Section, Temple University
 | Gastrointestinal
Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital
 | Pediatric
Gastroenterology, University of Iowa |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
/ Ασκηση |
 | An
Interactive Gastrointestinal Medicine Case Study, University of
Tennessee, Memphis
 | Anatomy
of the Stomach University of Alberta
 | Appendicitis
Case Study, University of Texas, Houston
 | Appendicitis,
The Acute Abdomen, Queensland University
 | Clinical
Case Menu, Children's Medical Center, University of Virginia
 | Computer
Based Multimedia Education in Gastroenterology, University of
 | Constipation,
Primary Care Teaching Module, Stanford University
 | Diarrhea
/ Gastroenteritis, COHIS
 | Gastroenterology
Protocols, University of Nottingham
 | Gastroenterology
Reviews for Primary Care Providers, Allegheny University
 | Gastroenterology
Topics, Primary Care Group, University of Chicago
- Acute
Hepatitis - Mindy Schwartz
- Helicobacter
Pylori - Halina Brukner
- Pilonidal
Sinuses - Diane Altkorn, M.D.
- Screening
for Colorectal Cancer - Mindy Schwartz
 | Gastrointestinal
Diseases, Cornell University Medical College
 | Gastrointestinal
Pathology Index, WebPath
 | GI
Motility Education Centre, Canadian Association of
 | H.
pylori Lecture Introduction, University of Pennsylvania
 | Helicobacter
Case Reports, Helicobacter pylori Foundation
 | Hepatitis
C Slide Presentation, Hepatitis Information Network
 | Hepatitis
C Therapy, Gary L. Davis, MD, University of Florida
 | Hepatocellular
carcinoma, University of Pisa
 | Introductory
Anatomy: Digestive System, University of Leeds
 | Open
for Discussion - Problem-based learning modules, Canadian
Association of Gastroenterology
 | Perforated
Duodenal Ulcer, The Acute Abdomen, University of Queensland
 | Quiz
Archive, Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
 | Rectal
Foreign Bodies, cynsa beans
 | Review
of Hepatitis Case Studies, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
 | Review
of Pathology of the Liver
 | Salivary
Glands and Exocrine Pancreas, Vanderbilt University
 | Swallowing
Physiology, UTMB, Gopher
 | Undergraduate
Teaching Program, Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
 | Unknown
Cases -- Gastrointestinal, Radiology Teaching File, University
of Washington
 | Weekly
Endoscopy Quiz, University of Calgary |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Για το
κοινό |
 | 100
FAQs on Liver Disease, American Liver Foundation
 | Adult
primary liver cancer, Information from PDQ for Patients,
 | Autoimmune
Liver Diseases Homepage
 | BACafe
The B. A. Cafe helps to provide information and support to
Hepatitis C Positive individuals, friends and family.
 | British
Digestive Foundation
 | Campylobacteriosis,
New York State Department of Health, Gopher
 | Celiac
Disease / Gluten Intolerance Support Page
 | Chronic
Hepatitis Answering Page, Stefano Brillanti, M.D.
 | Constipation,
Administratoin on Aging
 | Crohn's
& Colitis Pharmacist
 | Crohn's
Disease Web Page
 | Culinary
Couple's Creative Colitis Cookbook
 | Deutsche
Crohn und Colitis Vereinigung (DCCV)
The "Deutsche Morbus Crohn / Colitis ulcerosa Vereinigung -
DCCV - e.V." (German Crohn's and Colitis Association) is
the self-help organization for people with Crohn's disease or
ulcerative colitis in Germany.
 | Digest
 | Elaine's
Hepatitis C Resource Page
 | Endoscopy:
A Patient's Experience
 | Everything
You Ever Wanted To Know About Gastroenterology
 | FAQs
about Swallowing Disorders, New York Eye & Ear Infirmary
 | Focus:
On Hepatitis C
 | Gastroenterology
and Liver diseases - Patient Resources, LARG
 | Gastrostomy
Feeding Support
 | HealthNet
- Gastroenteritis
(Gastro)-What Is It and How Did I Get It?,
- Hepatitis
B Information
- Hepatitis
C Information
 | Helicobacter
Pylori Causes Most Ulcers and Other Stomach Ailments, Mirkin
 | HEP
 | Hepatitis
C, Uruguay
 | Hepatitis
 | Hepatitis
 | HepWatch
 | IBD
Experiences- Alternative, Conventional, and Other
 | Inflammatory
Bowel Disease FAQ V1.2, Oxford University Libraries Automation
 | Introduction
 | Irritable
Bowel Syndrome Self Help Group
 | Irritable
bowel syndrome, Breakthroughs in Health and Fitness, Dr. Gabe
 | Jean
Fremont's Food and Nutrition on the Web - Finding the Right
 | Keith's
Crohn's Chronicle
 | Liver
Complications, Breast Cancer Infomation Clearinghouse
 | Liver
Disease G.L. Ness
 | Liver
disease, Family Internet
 | National
Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse Database, U.S.
 | National
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease, U.S.
- Patient
Information Documents on Digestive Diseases
- Patient
Information Documents on Nutrition and Obesity
 | No
Milk Page
Lactose Maldigestion/Milk Allergy/Casein intolerance
 | Prevention
of Liver Disease, American Liver Foundation
 | Reye
Syndrome: The Decline of a Disease, FDA, U.S.
 | Stomach
& Other Digestive Problems, Healthtouch
 | Swallowing
Disorders, American Academy of Otolaryngology
 | Teens
with Crohn's Disease
 | Traveler's
Diarrhea, University of Illinois
 | Your
Liver, A Vital Organ |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Γενικά |
 | 16th
international workshop on diagnostic and operative endoscopy
 | 17th
Gastroenterology Workshop
17Th Gastroenterology workshop,you can find live demonstration
and information about this congress organized by Cl. Liguory
 | 33rd
Anual Meeting, European Association for the Study of the Liver
 | Chicago
Center for Videoscopic Surgery
 | Crohn's
Disease Message Board
 | Crohn's-IBD
Book Store
 | Dandenong
Gastroenterology and Private Endoscopy
Dandenong Gastroenterology and Private Endoscopy is a day
hospital located in Melbourne, Australia, specialising in
gastroenterology and liver disease. We were the first free
standing day endoscopy clinic in Australia.
 | Digestive
Disease Week - May 10-16, 1997
 | Dr.
Greenson's Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology Home Page
 | Dr.
K's Gastrointestinal Diseases Web Page
 | G.I.
Radiology ... the rest of the story
 | Gastroenterology
Consultants, PC
 | Gastrosite
 | Gi
on the net
 | Hepatitis
A, EXPeriment for Regional Sources and Sinks of Oxidants
 | Hepatitis
B, EXPeriment for Regional Sources and Sinks of Oxidants,
 | Hepatitis
Information Network
 | Hepatitis
 | Hepaxpert,
MED-EXPERT proudly presents the world leading hepatitis serology
expert system Hepaxpert.
 | Laparoscopy.com
 | Mediboss
Endoscopy Reporting and Medical Computer Software
 | Roy's
Endoscopic Ultrasound Web Site
The Web's only complete site devoted exclusively to endoscopic
ultrasound. It has an image library and streaming video.
 | Texas
Virtual Clinic
Welcome to the Texas Virtual Clinic, established to provide the
public and its caregivers a contemporary view of surgical
approaches to common digestive problems.
 | Tokisue
Clinic of Gastroenterological Internal Medicine |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Εικόνες /
Ατλαντες |
 | 3D
Virtual Colonoscopy, Visualization Lab
 | Alcune
immagini interessanti in endoscopia digestiva
 | Atlas
de Endoscopia Digestiva
 | Atlas
of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
 | Atlas
of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, AtlantaSouthGastroenterology,
 | Atlas
of Gastrointestinal Pathology, Virtual Hospital
 | Chronic
Pancreatitis, St. Paul's Hospital
 | Digital
GI Endoscopy Image Library, University of Tennessee, Gopher
 | Endoscopic
Ultrasound Image Database Index, University of South Carolina
 | Endoscopy
Video Clips, Taipei Medical College
 | Gallstones
MR, University of British Columbia
 | Gastrointestinal
Endoscopy, University of Michigan
This Web site was created to display some of the images from the
UMMC archives as an introduction to the normal anatomy of the
upper and lower gastrointestinal tract, and to correlate
endoscopic images of various common or unusual diseases or
conditions with clinical and pathological findings.
 | Gastrointestinal
Tract, Sophomore Pathology, Kensas University
 | Gatroenterology
Photos and Movies
 | Hepatitis
A-to-E(Slide Set Presentation and Technical Notes), CDC, U.S.
 | Hepatitis
C, Core biopsy of the liver, Robert Wood Johnson University
Hospital (RWJUH)
 | Review
of Pathology of the Liver, Loyola University
 | Three-dimensional
Anatomy of the Couinaud Liver Segments
 | Urbana
Atlas of Pathology
 | WebPath:
Internet Pathology Laboratory
- Gastrointestinal
Pathology Index
- Hepatic
Pathology Index
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Πληροφόρησης |
 | Adult
primary liver cancer, PDQ Information for Health Care
Professionals, CancerNet, Gopher
 | Consensus
Development Program, NIH, U.S.
- Adjuvant
Therapy for Patients with Colon and Rectum Cancer
- Gallstones
and Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Gastrointestinal
Surgery for Severe Obesity
- Helicobacter
Pylori in Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Therapeutic
Endoscopy and Bleeding Ulcers
- Travelers'
 | Demonstration
Database of Clinical Practice Guideline Abstracts, McMaster
 | Diseases
of the Liver, Columbia University
 | Enteroscopy
Improves Outcome in Patients with Obscure GI Blood Loss, Temple
University Hospital
 | Foodborne
Diseases, CDC, U.S.
 | Gallstones
and Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, NIH, U.S. Gopher
 | Gastroenterology,
Pediatric Interactive Digital Library, Vanderbilt University
 | Gastrointestinal
(GI) system, CHORUS
 | Gastrointestinal
Cancers, Oncolink
 | Gastrointestinal
System, LARG*net
 | Gastrointestinal
Tract (GI), Primary Care Group, University of Chicago, Gopher
 | Gastrointestinal,
Information by Organ System, Virtual Hospital
Information Resource Center
 | Glossary
of GI Health Terms, National Digestive Disease Information
Clearinghouse Via American College of Gastroenterology
 | Helicobacter
pylori Genome Database (HPDB)
 | Helicobacter
Pylori in Peptic Ulcer Disease, NIH, U.S. Gopher
 | Hepatitis
A-to-E(Slide Set Presentation and Technical Notes), CDC, U.S.
 | Hepatitis
C virus, Virus Databases On-Line
 | Hepatitis
Information Network
 | Index
to Gluten-free and Wheat-free Diets Pages
 | Intestinal
Disease Research Programme, McMaster University
 | Islet
cell carcinoma, CancerNet via University of Bonn
 | Liver
Cancer, OncoLink
 | Liver
Disease / Cirrhosis Medical Information, Mediconsult.com
 | New
Hepatitis Virus, Abbott Laboratories
 | Online
AA Resources
a collection of Alcoholics Anonymous information.
 | Online
Mendelian Inheritance in Man(OMIM)
- Adenomatous
Polyposis of the Colon
- Byler
- Caroli
- Cholestasis
With Peripheral Pulmonary Stenosis
- Crigler-Najjar
- Dubin-Johnson
- Galactosemia
- Gilbert
- Glycogen
Storage Disease I
- Hemochromatosis
- Hirschsprung's
- Porphyria
Cutanea Tarda
- Protoporphyria,
- Rotor
- Shwachman
This database is a catalog of human genes and genetic
disorders authored and edited by Drs.
- Wilson
 | Outbreak
of bloody diarrhoea (dysentery) in Equatorial Guinea, WHO Press
Release, July '95
 | Pancreatic
Cancer, CancerNet via University of Bonn
 | Pediatric
- Celiac
- Crohn's
- Gastroesophageal
Reflux Disease (Heartburn)
- Whipple's
 | Primary
Causes of Chronic Liver Disease, CDC
 | Spiral
Bacteria in the Human Stomach, Andre Dubois, M.D., Ph.D.,
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Bethesda
 | Studio
Medico Leonardo
Medical and Biotechnology Expertise in Gastroenterology,
Hepatology and Nutrition
 | Translumbar
approach to CT guided biopsy of the pancreas, Livit Radiologic
Pathologic Institute
 | Viral
Agents-Part 1, Michigan State University
 | Viral
Gastroenteritis, University of Cape Town |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Νέα/Εκδόσεις |
 | Abdominal
 | American
Gastroenterological Association News
 | Bad
Bug Book
Introduction to Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural
 | Bug
Bytes, Louisiana State University Medical Center Critical Care
 | Canada
NewsWire Ltd.
 | Canadian
Journal of Gastroenterology
 | Clinical
Update, American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
 | Culinary
Couple's Creative Colitis Cookbook
 | Current
Topics in Gastroenterology
 | Cyberzine
on Electrogastrography
The Cyberzine on Electrogastrography was created to provide a
free scientific forum or the researchers in the fields of
electrogastrography(EGG) and gastric electrical activity (GEA).
 | Digestion
 | Dysphagia
 | Electrogastrography,
University of Alberta
 | European
Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
 | Gastroenterology
 | Gastroenterology
- Oct 10, 1996, WebMedLit
 | Gastroenterology,
Family Practice Handbook, University of Iowa
 | Gastroenterology,
 | Gastroenterology,
Virtual Hospital
 | Gastrogram,
Virtual Hospital
 | Gastrointestinal
Disorders, Merck Manual
 | Gastrointestinal
 | Hepatic
and Biliary Disorders, Merck Manual
 | Hepatitis
Weekly, NewsFile
 | Hepatitis,
 | Hepatology
 | International
Journal of Colorectal Disease
 | Journal
of Gastroenterology
 | Journal
of Hepatology
 | Liver
Transplantation and Surgery
 | Medical
Sciences Bulletin
- Focus
On... Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Gastrointestinal
Drug Reviews
- Irritable
Bowel Syndrome
- Managing
Acid-Reflux Disorders
- Stomach
and Duodenal Ulcers
 | Morbidity
& Mortality Weekly Report, CDC, U.S.
 | New
England Journal of Medicine On-line
 | News
- Biliary and hepatic disorders, Doctor's Guide
 | News
- Gastrointestinal disorders, Doctor's Guide
 | Online
Laparoscopic Technical Manual
 | Turkish
Journal of Gastroenterology
 | Viral
Hepatitis Reviews |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Πηγών Πληροφόρησης |
 | Candida
Candida Albicans/Candidiasis Web Sites
 | Celiac
Disease/Gluten Intolerance Web Sites
 | Colon
 | Crohn's
Disease Web Page
 | Crohns
Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease FAQ,
Bill Robertson
 | Digestive
System Diseases, CliniWeb
 | Digestive
System Diseases, MIC-KIBIC, Karolinska Institute
 | Diseases
of the Liver, Columbia University
 | Dr.
K's Gastrointestinal Diseases Web Page
 | Dysphagia
Resource Center
 | G.I.
Page, MedFiles
 | Gastro
 | Gastro
 | Gastroenterology
(Medical Specialties), Galaxy
 | Gastroenterology
and Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
 | Gastroenterology
Resources Elsewhere, CPMCnet
 | Gastroenterology,
Hardin-Meta Directory
 | Gastroenterology,
 | Gastroenterology,
Medical Matrix
 | Gastroenterology,
 | Gastroenterology,
University of Pittsburgh
 | Gastroenterology,
Virtual Medical Center - Martindale's Health Science Guide
 | Gastroenterology,
 | Gastrointestinal
Cancers, Oncolink
 | Gastrointestinal
case studies and teaching files, MedFiles
 | Hepatitis
related sites, Daniel Dimitriou
 | Hepatitis
related sites, HepWatch International
 | Irritable
Bowel Syndrome Web Sites
 | Liver
Diseases, CliniWeb
 | Medical
and Gastroenterologic Links, Jefferson Digestive Disease
 | No
Milk Page
Lactose Maldigestion/Milk Allergy/Casein intolerance |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |