| |
Πληροφορίες |
 | American
Academy of Neurology
 | Brain
Surgery Information Center
 | Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome Electronic Newsletter
 | Commonly
Used Scales in Neurosurgery
 | Elekta
Elekta is a leading international supplier of advanced
neuroscience devices and technologies for the benefit of the
patient, the physician and society.
 | Foundation
for Neurosurgical Research
 | Human
Brain Project
 | Introduction
to Brain Chemistry
 | Lecture
Series, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Southern
 | Myelin
The Myelin Project aims to accelerate research on myelin repair.
 | Nervous
System Diseases, MIC-KIBIC, Karolinska Institute
 | Neurology,
Neurosurgery, Psychiatry, Psychology, Neuroscience on the Internet
 | Neurology/Neurosciences,
Hardin Meta Directory
 | Neurosurgery,
Medical Matrix
 | Neurosurgery
Home, Doc-in-the-Box
 | NeuroSource
Your link to Neuromedical resources on the World Wide Web.
 | Neurosurgical
Product Information, ANGEL
 | Neurological
Surgery Quiz, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
 | Neurosurgeons
and Topics in Neurosurgery
 | New
WHO Classification of Tumors affecting the Central Nervous System,
Stephen B. Tatter, M.D., Ph.D.
 | Neurosurgical
Index, Aberdeen University
 | Other
Information of Neurosurgical Interest, Massachusetts General
Hospital/Harvard Medical School
 | Other
Neurosurgery Websites, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
 | Pathophysiology
Central Nervous System Cases, Cornell University |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
/ Ακτινολογία |
 | Angiography,
Anatomy review for Neurosurgery rotation, State University of New
York, Syracuse Brain,
Levit Radiologic/Pathologic Institute
 | CNS
Pathology Index, Web Path
 | Human
Brain: A Photographic Guide, Virtual Hospital
 | Les
dossiers classes selon d'index de radiologie, Multimedia
Laboratory of the Medical School of Rennes
 | Neuroanatomy
and Neuropathology on the Internet
This page offers a collection of links to web sites which might be
of interest to medical students while learning neuroanatomy and
 | Neuroimaging,
Washington University
 | Neuroradiology
Section, Radiology Teaching File, University of North Carolina
 | Online
Neuropathology Atlas Summary
of Cranial Nerves, University of Tennessee, Memphis Wayne
Heim's Medical Illustration
 | Whole
Brain Atlas |
| | | | | | | |
Ογκοι |
 | Acoustic
Neuroma Association
 | Acoustic
Neuroma, Consensus Development Conference Statement , NIH, U.S.
 | Al
Musella's List Of Clinical Trials and Noteworthy Treatments for
Brain Tumors
 | American
Brain Tumor Association
 | Brain
Tumors in Adults, Oncolink
 | Brain
Tumor Society
 | Brain
Tumor Surgery, New York University
 | Hsnoopy
Brain Tumor Library
 | Johns
Hopkins Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Group
 | MD
Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas
 | National
Brain Tumor Foundation, U.S.
 | National
Neurofibromatosis Foundation, U.S.
 | National
Brain Tumor Radiosurgery Association, U.S.
 | Neuro-Oncology
Program, VCU/MCV Neurosciences Center
 | Pituitary
Tumor Network Association
 | South
Florida Brain Tumor Association
 | Surgical
Procedures for Brain Tumors, New York University |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Κρανίου / Εγκεφάλου |
 | 3-D
Visualization of Brain Aneurysm, University of Iowa
 | Aneurysm
Support Page
 | Antithrombotic
Therapy, Dr. Deloughery's Famous Handouts
 | Anurysm
Information Project, M. David Tilson
 | Central
Nervous System Vascular Malformations, Massachusetts General
 | Cerebrovascular
Center of the Neurological Institute, Columbia University
 | National
Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, U.S.
 | Cerebrovascular
Section, Department of Neurology, Medical College of Georgia
 | Lateral
Subocciptal Approach to Posterior fossa, University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill
 | Mediterranean
stroke society
 | National
Stroke Foundation, Australia
 | National
Stroke Association, U.S
 | Post-Stroke
Rehabilitation (Clinical Guide)
 | Post-Stroke
Rehabilitation (Quick Reference Guide)
 | Stroke
A teaching presentation on Stroke For families patients and
rehabilitation team members
 | Stroke
and Aging Research Project, Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center
 | Stroke:
Are You at High Risk?, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
 | Stroke
Center, Temple University
 | Thrombosis
Interest Group of Canada
 | What
You Need To Know About Strokes |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Μυελός /
Περιφερικά Νεύρα |
 | Acute
Low Back Problems in Adults (Clinical Guide)
 | Acute
Low Back Problems in Adults (Quick Reference Guide)
 | Back
Pain Relief Without Surgery
 | Carpal
Tunnel Syndrome, Medical Multimedia Group
 | Current
Case Study, GICD Online
 | Cure
Paralysis Now
The Original Web Site for the Advancement of the Cure for Spinal
Cord Paralysis
 | Florida
Spinal Cord Injury WWW Resource Center
 | Groupe
International Cotrel Dubousset(GICD)
A powerful educational resource allowing spine surgeons worldwide
to keep up with the latest advances in spine surgery.
 | International
Spinal Cord Regeneration Center
 | Laser
Disc Decompression & General Orthopaedics, William A. Liebler,
 | McKenzie
 | National
Spinal Cord Injury Association, U.S
 | pagina
italiana midollo spinale
 | San
Francisco Spine Center
 | Spinal
Cord Injury Center, Bellevue Hospital
 | Spinal
Cord Research Centre
 | Spinal
Cord Society, Chicago Chapter
 | Spinal
Cord Injury Support Network
 | Spinal
Cord Injury Treatment Center Society (SCITCS)
 | Spine
Surgery Home Page
 | Understanding
Acute Low Back Problems, AHCPR, NIH, U.S. |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Διαταραχές |
 | Accuracy
Considerations in MR Image-Guided Neurosurgery, Patriee Munger,
McGill University
 | American
Paralysis Association
 | Antiparkinsons,
Pravin K. Mishra, Ph.D.
You should familiarize yourselves with the basis of therapy for
Parkinson's disease and drugs currently used in its management.
 | Asian
Society for Stereotactic, Functional and Computer-assisted
 | Epilepsy
Surgery, Medical College of Georgia
 | Epilepsy
Surgery Program, Yale University
 | Functional
 | Image
Guided Surgery, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Illinois
at Chicago
 | Hoehn
and Yahr Staging of Parkinson's Disease
 | Minimally
Invasive Neurosurgery Using CRW-3 Stereotaxy, King Faisal
Specialist Hospital & Research Centre
 | Minimally
Invasive Brain Surgery Program, Jefferson Medical College
 | National
Chronic Pain Outreach Association(NCPOA), U.S.
 | Network
of European CNS Transplantation And Restoration (NECTAR)
 | Neurovisualization
Laboratory, University of Virginia
The Neurovisualization Laboratory (NVL) integrates new advances in
computer technology and medical imaging into the practice of
neurological surgery.
 | Pain
Management Online
 | Parkinson
Foundation of Canada
 | Parkinson
Foundation of Canada, Maritime Region
 | Parkinson's
Internet Mailing List
 | Parkinson's
Society, National Capital FreeNet / Libertel de la Capitale
nationale, Ottawa, Canada
 | Rotating
Gamma System for Stereotactic Radiosurgery, OUR Scientific
International, Inc.
 | Surgery
of Epilepsy, NIH, U.S.
 | Trigeminal
Neuralgia Association
 | Victory
Over Parkinson's Disease in Sight, EastWind |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |