| |
/ Divisions |
 | Addenbrooke
 | American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
Section on Urology
 | Baylor
College of Medicine
 | Baylor
College of Medicine, Scott
 | Bowman
Gray School of Medicine
 | Columbia-Presbyterian
Medical Center
 | Creighton
 | Cukurova
 | duPont
Hospital for Children
 | Emory
 | Galliera Hospital,
Genova Italy
 | Georgia
University Medical College
 | Johns
Hopkins Hospital
Division of Pediatric Urology
 | Long
Island College Hospital
 | Loyola
 | Mayo
 | Medical
College of Virginia
 | Mount
Sinai Medical Center
Pediatrics Urology
 | National
Kidney and Transplant Institute, Philippines
 | New
England Medical Center
 | Northwestern
University Medical School
 | Polycliniki
 | Protestant
Hospital Bad Godesberg
 | Queen's
Universiy, Kingston
 | Saarland
University Hospital
Department of Urology and Pediatric Urology with Out-Patient Unit
 | Saint
Louis University
 | Stanford
Medical Center
 | State
University of New York, Buffalo
Department of Pediatric Urology
 | Thonburi
 | Tulane
 | University
clinics of Cologne
 | University
College London (UCL)
Institute of Urology & Nephrology
 | University
Hospital Nijmegen, Netherlands
 | University
of Bonn
Division of Experimental Urology
 | University
of British Columbia
 | University
of California, San Francisco
 | University
of California, SanFrancisco, Mount Zion
 | University
of Colorado Health Sciences Center
 | University
of Florida
 | University
of Illinois
 | University
of Illinois, Chicago
 | University
of Maryland
 | University
of Michigan
 | University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
 | University
of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
 | University
of Rochester
 | University
of Rochester Medical Center
 | University
of Texas
 | University
of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
 | University
of Toronto
 | University
of Virginia
 | University
of Virginia
 | University
of Western Ontario
 | University
of Wisconsin, Madison
 | Vanderbilt
 | Virginia
Mason Medical Center
 | West
Virginia University |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Educations /
Trainings / Projects |
 | Chronic
Prostatitis, Parsec
 | Congenital
Anomalies, Uroradiology Tutor, Columbia University
 | Congenital
Anomalies, Uroradiology Tutorial, CPMCnet
 | Genitourinary
Development, Loyola University
 | Genitourinary
System, LARG*net
 | Inherited
Renal Diseases, University of Southern California
 | Male
Genital Pathology Index, WebPath
Pediatric Urology
 | Renal
and Urology Topics, Topics in Primary Care, University of Chicago
 | Sexually
Transmitted Diseases, Cornell University
 | Urinalysis,
Ed Friedlander, M.D.
 | Urinary
Tract Infections, Primary Care Teaching Module, Stanford
 | Urologic
Oncology Program, University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
 | Urology
and Male Genital Disease Reviews for Primary Care Providers,
Allegheny University
 | Uroradiology
Tutorial, Columbia University
 | WebPath:
Internet Pathology Laboratory
 | Wilms'
Tumor (Nephroblastoma), Pediatric Imaging Teaching Files,
uhrad.com |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Patients and Consumers |
 | American
Prostate Society
 | Ask
Dr. Reinberg
The one-stop place for your pediatric urological needs.
 | Ask
NOAH About: Cancer, , New York Online Access to Health (NOAH)
Bladder cancer, Prostate cancer, Renal cell cancer, Testicular
cancer, Transitional cell cancer of the renal pelvis and ureter,
Urethral cancer
 | Atlanta
Reproductive Health Centre
 | Bedwetting,
University of Michigan
Most children begin to stay dry at night around three years of
age. When a child has a problem with bedwetting (enuresis) after
that age, parents may become concerned.
 | Benign
Prostate Growth and Microwaves
 | Foreskin
Restoration Page
 | Frequently
Asked Questions About Infertility, American Society for
Reproductive Medicine
 | Fundamentals
of Prostate Cancer Detection and Treatment
 | Genitourinary,
Patient Information by Organ System, Virtual Hospital
 | Herpes
 | How
To Enhance Your Fertility, The Medical Reporter
 | Impotence
 | Impotence
Treatment, Tower Urology Medical Group
 | Intercyst.org
A WWW presence for women (and men) who suffer from interstitial
 | International
Circumcision Information Reference Centre (ICIRC)
 | Interstitial
Cystitis: Progress Against Disabling Bladder Condition, FDA, U.S.
 | Interstitial
Cystitis: The first patient driven IC Site on the WWW
 | Kidney
Patients' Resources
 | Kidney
Stones Handbook Book Title Page
A Patient's Guide to Hope, Cure and Prevention
 | Let's
Talk About Bladder Control, NIDDK
 | LL Medico USA,
Leading supplier of reusable incontinence care products, FDA
 | Lower
Urinary Tract Infections, Virginia Tech University
 | Male
Factor Infertility, Atlanta Reproductive Health Centre
 | Male
Infertility Overview, Atlanta Reproductive Health Centre
 | Medic
Drug's Impotence Information Page
 | Men:
examining your testicles may save your life, The Medical Roporter
 | My
Prostate Cancer and Me: Dealing with Prostate Cancer
 | National
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK),
Patient Information Documents on Urologic Diseases
 | No-Scalpel
Vasectomy Information, Dr. Darryl M. Wolski
 | Patient's
Guide to Vasectomy Reversal, CPMCnet
 | Pee
Shy and Bashful Bladder: Avoidant Paruresis
 | Planned
Parenthood: Your Uncensored Source
Sexual and reproductive health information
 | Polycystic
Kidney Disease, The Medical Reporter
 | Proposal
for a Cure for Prostatitis
 | Prostate
Cancer InfoLink
 | Prostate
Cancer, American Cancer Society
 | Prostate
Cancer, Boston University
 | Prostate
Cancer, Wellness Web
 | Prostate
Cancer: A Survivor's Guide
 | Prostate
Cancer: What it is and how it is treated, Zeneca Pharma Inc.
 | Prostate
 | Prostate
 | Prostate
Help Association (PHA)
 | Prostate
 | Prostate
Problems, Administration on Aging
 | Prostatitis
Home Page
 | Real
Men Cook: To Fight Prostate Cancer
RESOLVE is a national non-profit organization that, for more than
20 years, has assisted people in resolving their infertility by
providing information, support, and advocacy.
 | Society
for Human Sexuality
 | STD
 | Steve
Dunn's Kidney Cancer Page
 | Successfully
Treating Impotence, Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc.
 | Testicular
Cancer Resource Center
 | Testicular
Cancer: Survival High with Early Treatment, FDA, U.S.
 | Treating
Polycystic Kidney Disease: What Does The Future Hold?, The Medical
 | Treating
Your Enlarged Prostat, NIH, U.S.
 | Treating
Your Enlarged Prostate, MedAccess
 | Understanding
Bladder Cancer, TeleSCAN
 | Urinary
Incontinence In Adults - A Patient's Guide, MedAccess
 | Urinary
Incontinence, Singapore Obstetrics & Gynecology Web
 | Urinary
Stones Medical Information, Mediconsult.com
 | Urinary
tract infection (UTI) in Men, Duke University Medical Center
 | Urinary
tract infection (UTI) in Women, Duke University Medical Center
 | Urology
Goes Mainstream, The Medical Reporter
 | Urology
All about urology you always wanted to know from kidneys to
prostate and more
 | Vasectomy
Safety, MedAccess
 | Virgil's
A guide to fighting prostate cancer
 | WellnessWeb
-- Prostate Cancer Center
 | Yohimbe
Penetrex (with Yohimbe) -- Revitalizing Your Sexuality
 | Your
Prostate and Natural Treatment Choices |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Urology |
 | DoctorNet
 | FertiNet
FertiNet is fully dedicated to the science and practice of
Assisted Fertilisation and Human Reproduction.
 | Gem
City Urology
Gem City Urology is dedicated to providing quality care to adult
and pediatric urology patients. The purpose of this site is to
share information regarding general urological problems.
 | Interstitial
Cystities Network
 | Prostate
Cancer Home Page, University of Michigan Coprehensive Cancer
 | Prostate
Cancer Services, University of Michigan
 | Prostate
Center of South Florida
 | Prostate
Lab, Oppenheimer Urologic Reference Research (OUR)
Providing men, their loved ones, and their physicians the
objective information they need to make informed rational
decisions concerning the screening, diagnosis, prognosis, and
treatment of prostate disease.
 | Prostatitis
Home Page
 | RenalNet
 | TransWeb
- Transplantation and Donation
 | Urinary
Fecal Incontinence, Pelvic Pain, Sexual Dysfunctions home page
The Web's Leading Resource on Incontinence and Pelvic Muscle
 | UroCor,
Providing patients and physicians with answers to urologic
 | UROlog
Urology for Professionals
 | Urologia
On Line
 | Urologie
 | Urology
Associates P.C.
The mission of Urology Associates P.C. is to provide high quality,
state of the art, cost effective urological care, with compassion
and respect, recognizing that prompt service is a major component
of the peace of mind and security we provide patients and
referring physicians.
 | Urology
 | Urology
 | Uronet
 | UroPedNet
Pediatric Urology Netcommunications
 | Virginia
Urology Center |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
/ Guidelines |
 | 1993
STD Treatment Guidelines, CDC, U.S.
 | Agency
for Health Care Policy and Research Guidelines, NIH, U.S.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Urinary Incontinence
 | Clinical
Medicine Reference Guide, Eric Callaghan
 | Clinical
Practice Guidelines for the Management of Erectile Dysfunction,
Chronicle Information Resources Ltd.
 | Clinical
Practice Guidelines for the Management of Erectile Dysfunction,
Chronicle of Urology & Sexual Medicine
 | Early
Detection of Prostate Cancer, American College of Physicians
 | Enlarged
Prostate (BPH), Doctor's Guide to the Internet
 | Guide
to Clinical Preventive Services, CPMCnet
Screening for Asymptomatic Bacteriuria, Bladder Cancer, Chlamydial
Infection, Genital Herpes Simplex, Gonorrhea, Human
Immunodeficiency Virus Infection, Prostate Cancer, Syphilis,
Testicular Cancer
 | Urology
Guidelines for General Practice, The Bridge - Covering the Medical
World |
| | | | | | | |
Sources |
 | Biology
of Reproduction ISSN 0006-3363
 | Bladder
Cancer:Diagnosis and Treatment, Cancer News on The Net
 | Caverject
Sterile Powder, Doctor's Guide to the Internet
 | Chlamydia
- The Silent Epidemic, Arnot Ogden Medical Center
 | Circumcision
Information and Resource Pages (CIRP)
 | Colorful
Urine, ClarkNet
 | Epidemiology
and management of female urinary incontinence, University of
 | Gene
Expression in Wilms Tumor, Kidney Development Database
 | Genito-urinary
(GU) system, CHORUS
 | Hematuria
handout, Vanderbilt University
 | Hereditary
Prostate Diseases, Johns Hopkins University
 | Impotence,
Consensus Development Conference Statement on Impotence, NIH, U.S.
 | Information
for Health Care Providers, CancerNet
Bladder cancer, Penile cancer, Prostate cancer, Renal cell cancer,
Testicular cancer, Transitional cell cancer of the renal pelvis,
Urethral cancer, Wilms' tumor
 | Kidney
& Urologic Health, Healthtouch
 | National
Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, U.S.
Kidney and Urologic Diseases Database
 | OncoLink,
The University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center Resource
Male Genitourinary Cancers, Pediatric Wilms' Tumor, Urinary Tract
 | PDQ
Treatment Statements for Physicians, University of Bonn
Bladder cancer, Prostate cancer, Renal cell cancer, Testicular
 | Peyronie
Disease, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)
 | Polycystic
Kidneys, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)
 | Prostate
Dictionary, CoMed Communications Internet Health Forum
 | Renal
Parameter Database, NIH, Gopher
 | Research-Report,
Department of Urology, University of Texas, Gopher
 | Scrotal
Varicose Veins and Infertility, Cornell University, Gopher
 | Simple
Antibody Test Identifies Prostate Cancers Cells, Johns Hopkins
Medical Institutions Information Network
 | Singapore
Urological Surgery
 | Tissue/organ:
bladder, HyperCLDB
 | Treatment
of female urinary incontinence, University of Bergen
 | Urology,
Database of CD-ROM Research Databases, SunSITE Singapore
 | Wilms'
Tumor, PedBase |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
of Resource |
 | Basic
and Clinical Aspects of Prostate Cancer, Security APL
 | Complete
Urology & Andrology InfoBase, Giannis Zoumpos
 | Fertility
Information Resource List
 | GenitoUrinary
Stuff, MedFiles
 | Hardin
Meta Directory: Urology and Nephrology
 | Infertility
Resources, Internet Health Resources Company
 | Kidney
& Urologic Diseases, Health Sciences Library, University of
 | Kidney
Patients' Resources
 | Other
Urology Resources, Urology Channel
 | Prostate
Disease, Yahoo
 | Spermatology
Home Page
 | Urinary
Incontinence, University of Texas, Galveston
 | Urologic
and Male Genital Diseases (Non MeSH), MIC-KIBIC, Karolinska
 | Urologic
and Male Genital Diseases, CliniWeb
 | Urology
(Medical Specialties), Galaxy
 | Urology
Links, UROlog
 | Urology,
Cughing/Whitney Medical Librtary, Yale University
 | Urology,
Jonathan Tward's Multimedia Medical Reference Library
 | Urology,
Medical Matrix
 | Urology,
Medical WWWCompass
 | Urology,
 | Urology,
 | Urology,
Virtual Medical Center - Martindale's Health Science Guide
 | Urology,
Yahoo |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |