| |
Centers /
Institutes / Labs |
 | Advanced
Diagnostics Laboratory
 | Arizona
Rheumatology Center
 | EnAble
Center for Ankylosing Spondylitis
 | McCaig
Centre for Joint Injury and Arthritis Research, for Joint Injury
and Arthritis Research
 | Missouri
Arthritis Rehabilitation Research and Taining Center(MARRTC)
 | Multipurpose
Arthritis Center, University of California, San Diego
 | National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, U.S.
 | National
Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, NIH,
 | Neuromuscular
Physiology Laboratory, University of California
 | Osteoporosis
and Related Bone Diseases~National Resource Center, U.S.
The aim of the center is to transmit information in the field of
bone and calcium metabolism to scientists and physicians.
 | Phoenix
Center for Clinical Research
 | Rheumatology,
Institute of Internal Medicine, University of Florence
 | Sutton
Rheumatism Research Laboratories
 | Thurston
Arthritis Research Center, University of North Carolina School of
Medicine |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Departments /
Divisions |
 | Department
of Rheumatology, Royal North Shore Hospital
 | Department
of Rheumatology, St. George Hospital
 | Department
of Rheumatology, University of Birmingham
 | Division
of Rheumatic Diseases, University of Connecticut
 | Division
of Rheumatological Diseases, University of Medicine and Dentistry
of New Jersey
 | Division
of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, University of Florida
 | Division
of Rheumatology, Clinical Immunology, and Allergy, Duke University
 | Division
of Rheumatology, Loyola University
 | Division
of Rheumatology, University of Colorado
 | Division
of Rheumatology, University of Pennsylvania Rheumatology
 | Division
of Rheumatology, University of Texas, Galveston
 | Division
of Rheumatology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
 | Rheumatic
Disease Unit, University of Ottawa/Ottawa General Hospital
 | Rheumatology
Division, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore
 | Rheumatology
Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
 | Section
of Arthritis, Boston University Medical Center
 | Section
of Rheumatology, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Education /
Training |
 | Anatomy,
Levit Radiologic-Pathologic Institute
 | Approaches
to Differential Diagnosis in Musculoskeletal Imaging, University
of Washington
 | Athritis
Diagnosis, Differentiation, and Classification, Mallinckrodt
Institute of Radiology
 | Classification
Criteria, Position Statements, and Guidelines, American College of
 | Complete
Muscle Charts for the Human Body
 | Hand
and Finger Pain, Primary Care Teaching Module, Stanford University
 | Hand
in Rheumatology, Loyola University
 | Initiative
on Lyme Disease, American College of Physicians
 | Knee
and Hip Pain, Primary Care Teaching Module, Stanford University
 | Lecture
Notes on Arthritis, WorldOrtho
 | Musculoskeletal,
Health Education Program Database, American Academy of Family
Physicians Foundation
 | Painful
Shoulder: Diagnosis & Management, University of Colorado
Health Sciences Center
 | Pathology
of Arthritis, Cornell University
 | Postdoctoral
Training in Investigative Rheumatology, Yale University
 | Rheumatology
Reviews for Primary Care Providers, Allegheny University of the
Health Sciences
 | Short
Rounds Online, Division of Rheumatology, University of Colorado
 | Southampton
Rheumatology Tutor
 | TMJ
Tutorial, University of Washington
 | Unknown
Cases -- Musculoskeletal, Radiology Teaching File, University of
 | WebPath:
Internet Pathology Laboratory
- Bone
and Joint Pathology Index
- Inflammation
- Pathology
of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
For Consumers |
 | A
guide for your back, Virginia Mason Medical Center
 | A
Legacy of Health for Rheumatic Patients
 | A
Patient's Guide to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Medical Multimedia
 | America
On Lyme
America On Lyme is an informal association of America On Line
users experiencing Lyme Disease as patients or by supporting
family members and friends.
 | American
Juvenile Arthritis Organization
 | Ankylosing
Spondylitis Site
 | Arthritis
 | Arthritis
Connection Better Living Spa
The Better Living Spa is an online community developed by Searle,
a global developer of healthcare products and services, to help
people with arthritis live life to its fullest.
 | Arthritis
in Children
 | Arthritis
Information Page, SkyDancer
 | Arthritis
Self-Management Program, Arthritis Society, Manitoba Division,
 | Arthritis
Society - Nova Scotia
 | Arthritis
 | Arthritis
Web Page
News, information, discussion newsgroups and message boards,
related links and medical oriented search engines for patients,
friends and family of patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis,
osteoarthritis, and arthritis-related disorders.
 | Arthritis,
Searle healthNet
 | Arthritis/Rheumatology,
Library References, Mayo Health O@sis
The latest medical news and information for patients or friends/parents
of patients diagnosed with arthritis and arthritis-related
 | ArthritisHelp
Primer, University of Birmingham
 | Ask
Dr. Bones
Informational site with extensive discussion about musculoskeletal
 | Assistive
Devices for People with Arthritis, NAtional Rehabilitation
Information Center (NARIC), U.S., Gopher
 | Bone
and Joint Sources, University of Washington
 | Calcium
and Osteoporosis: How Much is Enough?, Medical Sciences Bulletin
 | Carpal
Tunnel Syndrome, Topics in Primary Care, University of Chicago
 | Dutch
League of Association of patients with rheumatic disorder
 | Effects
of Exercise on Arthritis, Stacey Appleyard
 | Elfstrom's
Arthritis Info
 | Exercise
for Children with Juvenile Arthritis
 | Fibromyalgia
Help Yourself Guide, LifeSphere
 | Fibromyalgia
Patient Support Center
 | HealthRoad
HealthRoad Productions is dedicated to bringing you information on
fibromyalgia (fibrositis) and other forms of soft tissue
rheumatism, such as bursitis, tendinitis, fasciitis, polymyalgia
rheumatica and giant cell arteritis.
 | Information
for Patients, American Academy of Family Physicians
 | Living
with Arthritis, University of Washington
 | Lyme
Disease Web Page, Pfizer Central Research
 | Musculoskeletal,
Patient Information by Organ System, Virtual Hospital
 | Osteoarthritis
and Exercise, Health Promotion on Internet
 | Osteoporosis,
Medical Education Information Center's Health Explorer
 | Patient
Information Topics, American College of Rheumatology
 | Patient's
Frequently Asked Questions about Fibromyalgia, David A. Nye, M.D.
 | Reiter's
Syndrome and Ankylosing Spondylitis Information & Support
 | Reiter's
syndrome, MedicineNet
 | Rheumatic
Disorger: A Guide for Patients, Ray Armstrong
 | Rheumatoid
Arthritis, MedicineNet
 | Rheumatology,
Clinical Trials by Disease Categories, CenterWatch
 | Sources
Topic Index, University of Waghington
 | Spondylitis
Association of America
 | Still's
Disease Home Page
Information for laymen, sufferers, others
 | Thumb
Arthritis, Southeastern Hand Center
 | Total
Hip Replacement: A Guide for Patients, Virtual Hospital
 | Total
Knee Replacement: A Patient Guide, Virtual Hospital
 | Wegener's
Granulomatosis Support Group (WGSG)
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to providing emotional
and informational support to patients with Wegener's
Granulomatosis (WG), to assisting them and their families in
understanding the disease and recovery process, to educating the
public about WG, and to supporting research into the cause and
cure of WG. |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Sources |
 | Arthritis
Medical Information, Mediconsult.com
 | Arthritis,
Doctor's Guide to the Internet
 | Bahcet
Disease, Pediatric Interactive Digital Library, Vanderbilt
 | Bone
and Joint programs, Department of Orthopaedics, University of
 | Bone
and Joint Sources, University of Washington
Public Information for patients, families, students, physicians,
scientists, and therapists.
 | Elfstrom's
Arthritis & Rheumatology Information
 | Fibromyalgia
Association of BC Library
 | Frequently
Asked Questions About Arthritis, misc.health.arthritis newsgroup
 | Frequently
Asked Questions About Arthritis, PharmInfoNet
 | Information
of rPhysicians, J.A. Lehman, M.D.
 | Injection
Techniques in Rheumatology, Loyola University
 | Medical
Sciences Bulletin
- Analgesic
and Anesthetic Drug Reviews
- Anti-Inflammatory,
Antiallergic, and Immunologic Drug Reviews
- Focus
On... Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Oral
Collagen for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Medical Sciences Bulletin
 | Musculoskeletal
system, CHORUS
 | Newsgroups
for Rheumatologic Diseases, University of Florida
 | Orthopaedic
Image Database, Queen's University
 | Osteoarthritis
Summary, Queen's University of Belfast
 | Osteopenia,
Michael L. Richardson, M. D., University of Washington
 | Osteoporosis,
Consensus Development Conference Statement, NIH, U.S.
 | Osteoporosis,
Doctor's Guide to the Internet
 | Pediatric
 | Postmenopausal
Osteoporosis - An Annotated Bibliography, Topics in Primary Care,
University of Chicago
 | Postmenopausal
Osteoporosis Prevention, Health and Fitness Information, D.W.
Smith, D.C.
 | Psoriatic
Arthritis FAQ for misc.health.arthritis, FTP
 | Rheumatic
Diseases in Children, Garmisch Homepage on Pediatric Rheumatology
 | Rheumatic
Diseases, Vanderbilt Pediatric Interactive Digital Library
 | Rheumatic
Patches, David L.J. Freed, M.D.
 | Rheumatoid
Arthritis - Treatment of the Disease, Duquense University
 | Rheumatological
and Musculoskeletal Topics, Primary Care Group, University of
 | Rheumatology
- Criteria and Other Resources, Zeus Microware
 | Rheumatology
Page, DigiDoc
 | Rheumatology,
Internal Medicine Annual Report 1993-94, Saint Louis University
 | Spine
FAQS: Ankylosing Spondylitis Surgery, Penn State University
 | Techniques
in Rheumatological Injections, Loyola University
 | TMJ
& Jaw Joints, Healthtouch
 | Types
of Arthritis, Arthritis Society
 | WebPath:
Internet Pathology Laboratory
- Bone
and Joint Pathology Index
- Inflammation
- Pathology
of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Journals /
News / Publications |
Lists of
Resources |
 | Arthritis
Information Page, SkyDancer
 | Arthritis,
Doctor's Guide to the Internet
 | Arthritis,
HealthLink Home Health
 | Arthritis,
 | Arthritis,
 | Arthritis/Rheumatology,
Georgetown University Medical Center
 | Arthritis-Related
Web Sites, Washington University, St. Louis
 | Australian
Rheumatology Resources
 | Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome, Sandy Shaw
 | Fibromyalgia
Information and Sites Page, Gimplimp
 | Joint
Pain Links, CDIM Online
 | Lupus
Home Page, Hamline University
 | Lyme
Disease Information Resource
 | Lyme
Disease Network
 | Musculoskeletal
Diseases, CliniWeb, Oregon Health Sciences University
 | Musculoskeletal
Diseases, MIC-KIBIC MeSH Index, Karolinska Institute
 | Osteoporosis,
Doctor's Guide to the Internet
 | Rheumatic
Diseases, CliniWeb
 | Rheumatology
(Medical Specialties), Galaxy
 | Rheumatology
case presentations and teaching files for the health care
professional, MedFiles
 | Rheumatology
Databases @ Internets
 | Rheumatology
Resources, Fred Tempereau
 | Rheumatology
Reviews for Primary Care Providers, Allegheny University of the
Health Sciences
 | Rheumatology,
Hardin Meta Directory
 | Rheumatology,
 | Rheumatology,
Jonathan Tward's Multimedia Medical Reference Library
 | Rheumatology,
Medical Matrix
 | Rheumatology,
 | Rheumatology,
 | Rheumatology,
Virtual Medical Center - Martindale's Health Science Guide
 | Rheumatology,
Yahoo |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Organizations |
 | American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
 | American
College of Rheumatology
 | American
Lyme Disease Foundation
 | Arthritis
and Rheumatism Council
 | Arthritis
 | Arthritis
Foundation of Australia
 | Arthritis
Foundation of the Northern Territory Inc.
 | Arthritis
Foundation of Victoria Inc.
 | Arthritis
Foundation of Western Australia
 | Arthritis
Foundation, Kansas Chapter
 | Arthritis
Foundation, Rocky Mountain Chapter
 | Arthritis
Foundation, Victoria Australia
 | Arthritis
Foundation, Washington State Chapter
 | Arthritis
National Research Foundation
 | Colorado
- Arthritis
- Chronic
Pain Center
- Fibromyalgia
- Lupus
- Multiple
Sclerosis Center
 | International
League of Associations for Rheumatology
 | Lupus
Foundation of America
 | Lupus
foundation, Missouri chapter
 | National
Marfan Foundation, U.S.
 | National
Osteoporosis Foundation, U.S.
 | National
Psoriasis Foundation, U.S.
 | Rheumatism
and Arthritis Foundation of Tasmania Inc
 | Road
Back Foundation
The Road Back Foundation is a tax exempt, non-profit
organization providing information to patients and physicians
worldwide on the use of the antibiotics minocycline, doxycycline
and tetracycline, etc., in the treatment of infectious rheumatic
diseases thought to be caused by mycoplasma and other bacterial
L forms.
 | Scleroderma
 | Sjφgren's
Syndrome Foundation, Inc
 | United
Scleroderma Foundation |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |