| |
Centers/Institutes/Labs |
 | Canadian
Pediatric Kidney Disease Research Centre
 | Center
of Excellence in Pediatric Nephrology and Urology, University of
 | Collaborative
Glomerulonephritis-Therapy Study Group (CGTS)
 | Diabetes
Research & Treatment Centre
 | Experimental
Organ Preservation
 | Inherited
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Study Group, Brigham and
Women's Hospital
 | Institute
of Nephrology, Niigata University
 | Institute
of Urology & Nephrology, University of London
 | Istituto
sulla Tipizzazzione Tissutale e Problemi della Dialisi
 | Italian
Study Group on Neonatal Nephrology
 | National
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK),
 | Neonatal
Nephrology Study Group
 | Nephrology
Research and Training Center, University of Alabama, Birmingham
 | Nephrology
Research, McGill University
 | Nephropathology
Laboratory, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
 | Renal
Research Institute
 | Southwest
Pediatric Nephrology Study Group |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Departments /
Divisions |
 | Department
of Nephrology, Boston University
 | Department
of Pediatric Nephrology, Academia Medica Gedanensis
 | Division
of Nephrology & Hypertension, University of Cincinnati
 | Division
of Nephrology and Hypertension, Louisiana State University
 | Division
of Nephrology and Hypertension, University of Kansas Medical
 | Division
of Nephrology and Metabolism, Tokai University
 | Division
of Nephrology, Columbia University
 | Division
of Nephrology, Indiana University
 | Division
of Nephrology, Long Island Jewish Medical Center
 | Division
of Nephrology, Medical College of Wisconsin
 | Division
of Nephrology, Medical University of South Carolina
 | Division
of Nephrology, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
 | Division
of Nephrology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
 | Division
of Nephrology, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
 | Division
of Nephrology, University of Alabama, Birmingham
 | Division
of Nephrology, University of Florida
 | Division
of Nephrology, University of Missouri, Columbia
 | Division
of Nephrology, Vanderbilt University
 | Division
of Pediatric Nephrology and Diabetes, Penn State College of
 | Division
of Pediatric Nephrology, Mount Sinai University
 | Division
of Pediatric Nephrology, Univerisity of Michigan
 | Division
of Renal and Cardiovascular Physiology, University of Copenhagen
 | Division
of Renal Diseases & Hypertension, University of Texas-Houston
 | Emory
NephrOn Line
Home Page for Emory University Renal Division, Department of
 | Renal
Division, Brigham and Women's Hospital
 | Renal
Electrolyte and Hypertension Division, University of Pennsylvania
 | Renal
Physiology Section, Amereican Physiological Society
 | Renal
Section, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine
 | Section
of Hypertension, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
 | Section
of Nephrology, Tulane University
 | Section
of Nephrology, University of Illinois, Chicago
 | Section
of Nephrology, Yale University |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Education /
Training |
 | Acute
Renal Failure, EMBBS
 | Basic
Principles of Renal, University of Arizona
 | Case
studies in pulmonary, renal, and acid-base disorders, Tulane
 | Evaluation
of Hematuria in Children, Pediatric References, KidsHealth
 | Fluid
Regulation System
 | Genitourinary
System, Case List, LARG*net
 | Kidney,
Ed Friedlander, M.D., University of Health Sciences
 | Lecture
Notes on Renal Anatomy, Vincent K. K. Tam, M.D.
 | Nephrolithiasis,
Topics in Primary Care, University of Chicago
 | Nephrology
Reviews for Primary Care Providers, Allegheny University
 | Nephron,
Harvard Medical School Student Website
 | Nephropathology
Biopsy Cases, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
 | Pathology
of Glomerulonephritis (GN), Michael N. Koss, M.D., University of
Southern California
 | Postgraduate
Teaching Course in Paediatric Nephrology, European Society for
Pediatric Nephrology
 | Renal
Artery, Human Anatomy Reference On Line, Dartmouth University
 | Renal
Course, Dr. Vincent Tam
 | Renal
Integrated Tutorial, Memorial University of Newfoundland
 | Renal
Pathology Cases, Medical Rounds, University of Colorado
 | Renal
Pathology Tutorial, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
 | Renal
Pathology, WebPath
 | Renal
Pharmacology Syllabus, University of Texas, Houston
 | Renal
Tutorial, Tom Scott
 | Renal,
Year One and Year Two Learning Programs, University of Southern
 | Suprarenal
Artery, Human Anatomy Reference On Line, Dartmouth University |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
For Consumers |
 | Peritoneal
Dialysis: Is It The Best Choice For Me?
 | Renal
 | Treating
Kidney Disease: A Team Approach
 | When
Kidneys Fail
 | Blood
Lab Value Comparison:Normal (non-ESRD) to Acceptable ESRD Normal,
Normal (non-ESRD) to Acceptable ESRD Normal
 | Bryan's
Kidney Page
Hi! My name is Bryan and I'm 4 years old. I was born with kidney
failure. No one really expected me to do so well, but I'm
stubborn. You can ask my Mommy about that! I have been on
peritoneal dialysis since I was a year old. I have to be hooked up
to a machine every night.
 | Care
of Your Peritoneal Dialysis, http://cybermart.com/aakpaz/labs.html
 | Dialysis
Patient Information
Patient Forum
 | Fadem's
Kidney Guide
 | It's
Your Life . . . Know Your Number, Department of Health and Human
Services, U.S.
A Patient Guide To Two Important Measures That Show How Well Your
Hemodialysis Is Working
 | Jim's
Renal Information Page
 | Kidney
Patients' Resources, Curtis L. Atkin
ABSTRACT: Intended for education of kidney patients, this is a
list with comments on books, brochures, conferences, documents,
Internet resources, magazines, newsgroups, organizations, support
groups, and videos. Diseases that cause kidney failure are also
 | Kidney
Stones Handbook Book
 | Lois
Joy Galler Foundation for Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, Inc.
 | Nephrology
& Hypertension, Ari Kostadaras, M.D.
 | Patient
Information Documents on Kidney Diseases, NIDDK, U.S.
 | PolyCystic
Kidney Disease (PKD) Home Page
 | Questions
About Kidney, TransWeb
 | Renal
Family Cookbook
 | Story
of John Newmann's Renal Transplant
 | Transplants
- Patient Resources, LARG*health
 | Treating
Polycystic Kidney Disease: What Does The Furture Hold?, The
Medical Reporter
 | Wilms'
tumor (Patient), Ask NOAH:Cancer |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Sources |
 | 1/Serum
Creatinine Plotting Tool, Walter Reed Army Medical Center
 | Chile
Centros de dialisis, ChilNet
 | Clinical
Guidelines of IgA Nephropathy, Tokai University
 | Clinical
Nephrology by topic, Hypertension, Dialysis, Clinical Nephrology
 | Collaborative
Nephrology Database, University of Glasgow
 | Dialysis
in the Western Region of Sweden 1987 -1995
 | Dialysis
Provider Search, Health Care Financing Administration
 | End-Stage
Renal Disease, Yale University, Gopher
 | Entrez
Browser, National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S.
WWW Entrez now has access to the NCBI Genomes Database, with
Graphical views of all Genome and Sequence Entries!!
 | Hematuria
handout, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Vanderbilt University
Medical Center
 | Hypertension,
Dialysis, and Clinical Nephrology Calculators
 | Kidney
Cancer, OncoLink
 | Kidney
Development Database, School of Biological Sciences
 | Kidney
Disease Affects Child's Growth, Medical College of Georgia
 | Kidney
Disease And Lupuserythematosus, Hamline University
 | Mode
of Action of Immunosuppressive Drugs, Gabrielle H. Reem, M.D.,
New York University
 | Mortality
and Morbidity of Dialysis, NIH, U.S.
 | National
Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse Database
 | Online
Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)
This database is a catalog of human genes and genetic disorders
authored and edited by Drs. Moyra Smith, Victor A. McKusick and
their colleagues at Johns Hopkins and elsewhere, and developed
for the World Wide Web by NCBI, the National Center for
Biotechnology Information.
 | Organ
and Tissue Transplantation Information, Yale University, Gopher
 | Pediatric
Database (PEDBASE)
- Alport
- Wilms'
 | Polycystic
Kidneys, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
 | Post-Renal
Transplant Compliance: The Cognitions, Emotions, and Coping
Behaviors, Bonita R. Siegal, Ph.D., Trans Web
 | Referral
Guidelines for Nephrology, Walter Reed Army Medical Center
 | Related
FAQs: bit.listserv.transplant, Oxford University Libraries
Automation Service
 | Renal
Biology, University of Arizona
 | Renal
cell cancer, CancerNet via University of Bonn
 | Renal
Hypertension: Late-Breaking Medical Research, Inside MEDICINE
 | Researcher
Seeks Living Kidney Donors to Interview, Trans Web
 | Search
 | Seismic
Risks in Nephrology Dialysis & Transplantation
 | UpToDate
in Nephrology: Glomerular Disease, Advanced Reference
Technology, FTP
 | Urea
Kinetics Calculators -- Kt/V and PCRn, Hypertension, Dialysis,
and Clinical Nephrology
 | Urea
Kinetics Calculators -- Surface Area and V, HDCN |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Journals /
News / Publications |
 | Advances
in Renal Replacement Therapy
 | American
Journal of Kidney Diseases
 | American
Journal of Pathology
 | American
Society of Nephrology Journal
 | Current
opinion in nephrology and hypertension, BioMedNet
 | Genitourinary,
Family Practice Handbook, University of Iowa
 | Geriatric
Nephrology and Urology, Wolters Kluwer Academic Publishers,
 | Hypertension,
Dialysis and Clinical Neprology(HDCN)
 | Journal
of Nephrology, Wichtig Editore
 | Journal
of Renal Nutrition
 | Kidney
& Blood Pressure Research
 | Kidney
Stones Handbook Book
 | Nephrology
Dialysis Transplantation Online
 | Nephrology
News & Issues
 | Pediatric
Nephrology journal of the International Pediatric Nephrology
Sddocia, Gopher
 | Peritoneal
Dialysis International
 | Renal
Renal failure will publish manuscripts dealing with biochemical,
clinical, or therapeutic aspects of uremia. The journal will,
however, give particular emphasis to papers dealing with all
aspects of acute renal failure - experimental models,
pathophysiology, prevention and management, basic or clinical
studies on renal function in the critically ill, and drug
 | Renal,
Fluid and Electrolyte Physiology, American Journal of Physiology |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Lists of
Resources |
 | Alport
Syndrome Home Page
Don't Take Your Organs to Heaven ... Heaven Knows We Need Them
 | Genitourinary,
 | Information
for Medical Professionals, Trans Web
 | Kidney
& Urologic Diseases, University of Pittsburgh
 | NefroLinks,
 | Nephrology
and Urology, NMHC Library
 | Nephrology
and Urology, North Memorial Helth Care
 | Nephrology,
Medical Matrix
 | Nephrology,
 | Nephrology,
 | Nephrology,
 | Nephrology,
 | Nephrology,
Yale Library
 | Nephrology/Urology,
Hardin Meta Directory
 | Nephron
Information Center
 | NephroWorld
 | Paediatric
Nephrology, Charles University
 | Renalnet
 | Renalworld
Renal resources from around the globe
 | The
collection of renal sites on the web
 | Transplantation
Resources on the Internet, TransWeb
 | Urologic
and Male Genital Diseases (Non MeSH), Karolinska Institute
Library |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Organizations |
 | American
Share Foundation
 | Australia
and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry
 | Australian
Kidney Foundation
 | Brazilian
Kidney Transplant and Dialysis Registry, 1993
 | Coaliton
on Donation
 | Forum
of ESRD Networks
 | Hereditary
Nephritis Foundation (HNF)
 | Kidney
Dialysis Foundation, Singapore
 | Kidney
Foundation of Canada
 | Lois
Joy Galler Foundation for Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, Inc.
 | Lupus
Foundation of America
 | Mexican
Dialysis League
 | Mid-Atlantic
Renal Coalition
 | National
Adrenal Diseases Foundation (NADF), U.S.
 | National
Kidney Foundation of Indiana, U.S.
 | National
Kidney Foundation of Massachusetts, U.S.
 | National
Kidney Foundation of Northern California, U.S.
 | National
Kidney Foundation, Singapore
 | National
Kidney Foundation, U.S.
 | National
Transplant Assistance Fund, U.S.
 | New
England Organ Bank
 | Oxalosis
and Hyperoxaluria Foundation
 | Peritoneal
Dialysis International
 | Polycystic
Kidney Research Foundation
 | Registre
Dialyse Peritoneale de Langue Francaise
 | Transplant
Recipients International Organization, INC. |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |